Meghan Brown
For Music Educators
A Big Thanks...
Thank you to all the band directors who dedicate their careers to teaching music. What you do everyday is important and it matters.
It was a band directors who...
stayed after school to give me my first clarinet lessons
connected me with my first private clarinet instructor
spent time after school letting me perform mock auditions for them
brought a signed clarinet bell from my favorite professional clarinetist all the way from Oregon back to Missouri
let me tag along every Thursday night to play in my first orchestra
helped guide me through the college audition process
It is band directors who...
welcome me to work with their clarinet students
make the trip to watch my college recitals
keeps in touch long after I have graduated
Now, I get to teach my own clarinet students and pursue my own clarinet endeavors. I wouldn't be here without you. Thank you!