In college you have two options during Spring Break. The first option is to jump on a plane and take a trip to somewhere with a beach. The second option is to pack up the clarinets, your laptop, and go back home to keep working... and more times than not I pick the second option.
In my Google Drive I have a folder titled "Clarinet Career". In fact, this folder has been there for a long time. Whether you are an aspiring musician like myself, or not, we all have a dream or a goal that we circle back to... no matter how much time has passed or what life throws in our direction.
So here I am back home at a little coffee shop with my coffee, clarinets, idea notebook, and my computer. I typically spend my days in a practice room preparing for the rehearsals that take up the other half of my days... and this is how I have spent the past four years of my life in college. We practice, rehearse, more practicing, more rehearsing, and then perform what we have been practicing and rehearsing. This is all important because any career in music must first begin in the practice room!
Now, as I sit here building a professional website, creating business cards, and preparing materials to present to middle school and high school clarinetists, I am realizing that this is where "the rubber meets the road". In order to have a career as a clarinetist, you have to eventually leave the practice room and put the goals in the Google Drive folder into action. So, here is to stepping out in faith and putting in the work.
- Meghan